(201) 447-1188
Mar 2

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

PRP, New Jersey, Sports Medicine

Posted on March 2, 2018 — by Dr. David Rudman

Platelets play a intergral role in the bodies natural process of healing.  Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from the whole blood of a patient.    The patients blood is drawn under sterile techniques and then centrifuged to remove the red blood cells.  The PRP has 3-5 times the concentration of platelet then whole blood.  Harnessing the bodies healing potential via growth factors and cytokines in PRP, this preperation is then injected in the tissue where healing is desired.  In some instances the treatment requires a series of three injections spaced out one week a part.  PRP has been investigated and used across several speacilities including dentistry, orthopaedics, plastic surgery and dermatology.  In Orthopaedics it's uses include treatment of chronic tendinitis, osteoarthritis and bone repair and regeneration.  PRP became more main stream after high profile professional athletes in the NFL and MLB were treated with it. 

For further information or to discuss PRP with Dr. David P. Rudman, please contact Specialty Orthopaedic of New Jersey. P.A. at 201-447-1188.  The office is conviently located in Ridgewood, NJ just west of route 17.

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